Monday, October 26, 2009

Where can I get me one of them fat-jiggling belt machines?

You know, like from the 60s? I know they had 'em, because I saw them in at least two Columbo episodes. (Love Columbo -- this blogging deal could be embarrassing if I keep giving up all my PRIVATE information.) The Exercisee would just stand there with a big canvas belt wrapped around their mid-section or their hiney and it would jiggle their fat, presumably, melting it away magically. And they would always be sweating and looking just exhausted, like they were working really HARD standing there getting their fat jiggled. So I want one. Because I'm pretty sure I could stand in front of the TV and get my fat jiggled. I THINK I could anyway, but hey, now that I think about it, wouldn't that make my wine spill if I tried to use it while watching TV? I guess I could turn it off every time I need to take a sip. And I could let my friends try it out -- what a hoot at parties --"Hey, try my fat jiggler!" So if anyone knows where I can get me a fat jiggler, please let me know.

Meanwhile, even though I was extra-special-good yesterday and walked a total of 6 miles and 1.5 hours ('cuz I walked again in the afternoon to go to the costume shop and get some super sweet clown shoes for Killer Klowns from Outer Space next weekend), my scale says I'm a whopping 116.2 this morning. Must've been the jumbo shrimp. I guess the Day of Being Under 115 is over. But I'm walking again this morning, I don't care. As Dog is my witness, I WILL beat this Fat.

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