Sunday, October 18, 2009

How do you NOT eat that last cookie?

After you've been drinking. I'm in the kitchen for my nighttime Pleasant Peppermint CC when I notice there is one last, lonely, delicious chocolate, coconut cookie. Alone. Defenseless. Waiting to be consumed. Softly calling my name.

And I've already had a calorie-challenged weekend.

So it's not like it would matter.

Obviously, I ate it.


On the up side, now that it's gone, it's all mango slices and spinach for the rest of the week!


  1. I was listening to NPR this am, where expert on Blue Zones (where people live the longest) was explaining common findings amongst long lived peoples. Apparently tofu is the perfect low calorie, complete protein, low fat food. However, the people on okinawa have a term for eating 4/5ths of a stomach full of food (or 4 fists), which I can't remember and can't pronounce, but which boils down to: don't eat until you are full. Push back from the table. Fill your plate before it hits the table, not family style from the bowl in the center. Stop. It's actually a word in their language, this concept. He says they did the risk assessment, and if you live like this, you could eat at McDonalds and still live longer than normal. It may not be necessary to live on spinach if we live in moderation. Very Buddhist or Zen or something, but biologically sound.

  2. also, those mango slices at Fresh n Easy are fabulous, way better than carrots. Moderation PLUS good food.

  3. what is this thing where it posts my &^%$* picture with every post? Technology run amok. I need a better picture.
