Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The calm after the storm.

So maybe I overreacted a bit. The New Digital said 116.8 this morning, and I can live with a 2 lb variation. Plus even the old scale was still shooting up to 120 during the middle of the day. So maybe it's not that big a deal. Trivia --did you know that one serving of Quaker Oats maple and brown sugar instant oatmeal weighs one pound in my tummy? Oh yeah, I'm full of fascinating information AND oatmeal.

The good news? My body is 24 % fat (or 22.5, depending on which reading I want to use) and 61% water. Apparently those are good numbers. Lots of people would say I don't need a diet. But they haven't seen my belly fat, or the nice muffin top it makes in my favorite jeans. That's just unacceptable. I need to cruise out of middle age in a skinny state of nature. Otherwise, I'll wind up looking like every other chubmeister in America by the time I'm 50. Anyway, I'm not going quietly, so I'll continue choking down spinach and bitching about it (my gift to the world, you're welcome) as long as it takes.

P.S. I stepped away from a cart full of adorable foldover yoga pants with pockets (VS, check 'em out) and went for a quick WALK. I must be ill. AND, bonus, I figured out my holiday poem for this year on the way -- look for Sayonara Cellulite around Christmas. This walking thing could be good.

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