Tuesday, October 20, 2009

DING. And some skinny bitch with fake boobs walks the ring with a giant "2."

I made it under 116.5 this morning. Barely. 116.4. Ouch. That's what one bad Sunday night will do. Guess I'll have to make the downside of 115 NEXT week.

On the up side, sharing my daring diet adventure has brought out stories from others with the same issues. Including Wanda Sykes. Now I'm not sayin' Wanda has been reading my blog, but she had a whole segment of her standup act (I'ma Be Me) devoted to her mid-life midsection. Wanda has named her muffin top -- something with an E. Wanda revealed that E don't like to be hidden inside Spanx and all kinds of other amusing information -- all of which I could totally relate to. Work it Wanda. And thanks for being honest for all of us ladies of a certain age. My squidge no-likey the Spanx either. But I gotta say, the wonder pants are a necessity with certain outfits right now.

I look forward to the day when I no longer need the wonder pants. It's been two weeks already -- I was supposed to be invisible by now. But you can still see me. All 116.4 pounds of me and my squidgy middle. This weight loss thing is really hard, dang it. Is it too late to quit, now that I'm past the halfway point? If I "quit" now, is it really quitting, or just defeat? I've got to admit that for a moment yesterday (well, several moments) I seriously considered just giving up and being pudgy and Spanx-dependent. It would be so easy. All the kids are doin' it. I could just go back to normal and eat whatever I want, whenever I want. Carefree. [Moment of reverie as I visualize unlimited blue-box consumption.] Well, it's not going to be THAT easy Fat. I'm just gettin' warmed up for Round 2. So, watch out you little buggers, I'ma kill me some fat.


  1. Okay. 120.6 fresh out of the shower. Commando. It's not pretty. Two weeks ago before the whole snot thing got a grip I was on the verge of becoming a lean running machine but somehow (and I'm note entirely sure of the physics), I've managed to develop an innertube of squidge while acquiring five pounds simultaneously. Like, "Bam!" there it is.

    I'm blaming the 4th bottle of wine. Absolutely. And, what are the odds that I would eat an entire package of PEZ without even bothering to put it in my totally cute Tinkerbell dispenser WHILE I'M READING YOUR BLOG!? What's up with that?

    But now I'm inspired. Be afraid, Fat, be very afraid!

  2. SOL! Doesn't it piss you off that it's so easy to put on the fat, but so hard to get rid of it? Like 2 weeks off the workouts/diet and it takes 8 months to get back to where you were. Not right.
