Sunday, October 11, 2009

And don't it feel good?

I'm walkin' on sunshine, Woah-oh, I'm walkin' on sunshine, Woah-oh, and don't it feel good? Yes it don't! Wow, there must be some serious endorphins involved in walking in sunshine, because I FEEL GOOD. Oh yeah, another 50 minute walk. Followed by a cherry-banana cranberry yogurt smoothie with coconut oil and ground flax seed. And THAT'S LUNCH folks. That and, um, maybe a cookie. Or two. Cuz I'm pretty sure I walked off thecookie I had for breakfast already. I'vemoved the cookie container closer in anticipation.

Don't know whether it's the gorgeous weather, the exercise, the diet, or maybe the effective Pleasant Peppermint CC, but I feel so light and fluffy, I could dance. And I almost did a couple of times. But I mostly kept it down to bad singing along with my old music (a lot less Hootie-heavy today, and I missed my Patsy Cline). Found out you can do a brisk healthy walk in Keen flops (I assessed the Teva's as unable to withstand more than a short gentle stroll, correctly, I think). When the blister heals I'll go back to a tennie, but the flops were kind of liberating and fun -- very west coast.

But I promised fall in the midwest versus Phoenix, didn't I? Here's my assessment. On the plus-side for the MidWest, there is nothing like that clean, clear, crisp smell on a Sunday morning after a rain with the red and gold leaves covering the ground -- I call it football weather. I hate football, but I love the weather. Or at least the way the weather smells while you're walking around in your coat and gloves. On the plus side for Phoenix, can you say FABULOUS all day and night long? It might get down to the 50s at night and then peaks at a lovely, dry, 80-something mid-day -- perfect for sitting in the shade with a cocktail. That's why we live here. The trade off? Instead of the lovely football-weather smell of freshly fallen leaves and crisp air, we have the smell of steer manure on all the winter lawns going in -- that stuff doesn't quite live up to all the claims of being "sterilized" and odor free. But, hey, I can live with that.

And Sunday morning in Willo is just too cute. We have a pack of bicycle cruisers, several packs of serious bicycle riders, family strollers, dog walkers, and even a cute biker couple with matching red motorcycles, red-striped pants, and an orange leather jacket (I'll let you guess who was wearing what). So for now, life is good. And, since I don't feel like blogging in the bath, I'm gonna go now. And you should too -- go exercise or scrapbook or something! Have a cocktail for me.

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