Friday, October 9, 2009

No, the fat wasn't hiding in my colon.

Wow. This dieting thing is really tough. Had my first serious cravings last night. Oh, I almost forgot -- there was NO explosion. Nada. Zip. Bubkes. Nothing. My innards were tightly clenched. Colon Cleanse tea did not have any immediate effect and I went to bed puffy. Probably because I had SUCH cravings last night. I had to make popcorn, drag out the frozen edamame (oh, yeah, I'm serious about the diet thing), and drink two glasses of champagne on top of the cleansing tea to satisfy my hunger pangs. Tough day yesterday. Thank GOD I had the crazy b!tches of Atlanta AND P Runway to keep me busy last night. In fact, how did I have the time to eat all that stuff?

Innards unclenched and started moving around funky about 3 am. Hmmm. Cleansing tea IS effective, but it's like on a timer delay. So the stuff worked, BUT, it turns out my mid-life fat was NOT hiding in my colon. The fat I'm trying to lose is STILL there. Stupid fat. Lesson learned.

Well, I had to try it -- some guy on TV says that we've all got POUNDS of toxins hiding in our colon, and it was worth a shot.

But the scale still says about 120 this morning, depending on what I'm wearing and which way I lean. Right now I'm leaning toward liposuction. Did you know the results can be permanent? It's just a thought. I haven't even pulled the trigger on a digital scale yet, so what are the odds I'm rushing out for liposuction?

1 comment:

  1. I've got the digital scale and have become obsessive with it. Almost carted it along on vacation. This baby measures pounds to the tenth, AND will compute percent hydration and body fat. It's all in the technology. Sad to hear the fat wasn't hiding in the colon. Will try to hide my extreme disappointment.
