Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter wonderskiland.

Frozen tundra ain't all bad when you turn it into a super-expensive ski resort. Cha-ching! Am feeling good about getting HOURS of exercise per day here in Vail (my quads are working overtime), but there are some issues. First, my gut blew up like a bag of Cheetos taken rapidly from sea level to 10,000 feet, which is basically what happened when I came up here yesterday. I think I'm over that now, but they are feeding us good food at this seminar and then my ski pal wants to go out and have another dinner. Rut-roh. Shouldn't have had the tasty burrito before the seminar started. Now I have to have salad for dinner.

Anyway, I'd piss and moan about the TSA and getting my thighs grabbed because I dared to wear a skirt to the airport, but I think we'll leave tonight on a happier note. At least all my stuff got here. Gotta go watch a presentation on the many ways I can get killed skiing and how my survivors can sue. Enjoy your evening.

P.S. The Marriott's room and my private fireplace are so lovely and snuggly that I never want to leave, so I put on my jammies about 8 and snuggle in. Unfortunately, the only wifi is in the lobby, so it's kind of cramping my casual blogging style. Pretty sure they don't want to see me down here in my sleep pants and slipper socks. So I'm doing blogging lite. Only during daylight non-jammied hours. Gotta go snuggle up.

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