So, I'm packing for a trip to Vail for a CLE seminar disguised as a ski trip. And I look up the weather in Vail. Holy sh!t! The rest of the country is apparently freezing. In fact Vail is pretty mild at 20-30 degrees. So I'm packing for the frozen tundra of the Arctic (which, by the way, is impossible to do and stay within the poundage and baggage limits that the freakin' airlines are imposing these days, plus I'm already paying extra for the skis) and planning on shivering off a pound or two. New Dog (now named: Lola, L-O-L-A, Lo-la, L-O-L-A, Lo-la-a, which I THOUGHT was Clapton, but is actually Kinks) doesn't know I'm leaving yet. Don't tell her. I've got a dog/house sitter. Didn't even ask the price, because there would be no point. I'm payin' it. Just like I'm payin' whatever it costs to park at the airport. Sigh.
Meanwhile, Cody advises that I have posted a photo that includes our waitress, Maria, and NOT all nine o' my guys. Hint, hint, wink, wink. Yes, Cody, I accidentally posted a photo that didn't include YOU, which is the only reason you read my blog -- you must have been pretty pissed. SO, here it is. [I'm inserting the Cody-inclusive photo now. Crap. Have to go to OTHER computer to get the photo to email to myself so I can uplo....I'll just add the photo from the other computer in a minute.] Geez-us, it's so hard to have friends.
Rut-roh, Cody -- I think I didn't download the ones that Maria took, because she took them from too far away -- so it's a tribute to your photography skills that you are not in the ones I downloaded. So email me a good photo with you in it, if there is such a thing.
Clapton = Layla