Okay, have recovered sufficiently to blog a proper post-NYE post. And, in honor of the new year and my kind of pathetic mix of old photos, I've called Cody to insist on the NYE photos. So those will be coming soon to a computer near you. Now if I could only figure out how to use the "new" blogging format on this website -- I actually haven't tried it yet, just because I'm scared that something will get messed up. It hasn't been a good month for computers and I.
After the NY-morning victory on the New Digital, I sabotaged my own ass with a Blue Box, but used coconut oil instead of butter, and only half as much, so it was healthier. (Look it up -- coconut oil is actually used by body builders and for weight loss -- the medium chain triglycerides (sp?) get burned up, while the LCTs in, say, BUTTER, stick around and clog your arteries and make you fat and dead. So butter = way tasty, but potentially lethal. Did I mention WAY TASTY? Coconut oil = almost as tasty when sauteing anything, and actually good for you. Great for your skin too. 'Nother story.) And then yesterday, I was enjoying the only real relaxation I've had during the crazy holiday season that began October 1, and decided to cook yummy soup, yummy yams, and yummy sausage/onion/celery saute. And then, of course, there was a lot of eating. So not the best weekend calorie-wise. But next week I'm skiing for 4 or 5 days. So who cares.
Speaking of caring, I am having a lingering mixed reaction to my Season 3 TBL NYD marathon. On the one hand, I am impressed, moved, motivated, all that stuff, by the hard work and the results achieved by these obese and morbidly obese individuals. On the other hand, it makes me feel like I'm really fine in comparison, so maybe I should just kick back and relax with my little squidge -- maybe take it out for dinner now and then. Plus I'm a bit cynical/disgusted that it took television fame, several months off at a camp where they're FORCED to eat right and work out, and the lure of 1/4 mill. to actually do what they should have been doing all along. Very sad. Especially when I found out that the Season 3 WINNER, Erik Chopin (no relation), who lost like 200 pounds, actually gained ALMOST ALL of it back. You should have seen this guy (well, some of you probably did) -- he went from scary enormous kind of guy that gets buried in a piano crate, to a really healthy, not to mention, hot-lookin' guy. And then, after the show was over and the money came in -- boom. Right back to Big Boy. But he's workin' it -- appears to be making a whole career out of getting unpardonably fat, getting skinny, losing control again, and trying to get skinny again -- he's got his own website (natch), does motivational speaking, and has a documentary of his struggle coming out in a week or two. (Okay, you know I'ma watch it.)
Anyway, I think it's awesome that he worked so hard and lost the weight. I think the show is good, because it demonstrates that anyone can lose the weight with diet and exercise if they really work at it. (Does anyone buy that "glandular problem" any more?) Also demonstrates that Americans eat crap and have no idea what they should eat. But, here comes that other hand, all of the information you need to eat right and exercise is readily available all over the internet. Not rocket science. I should write a diet book -- one sentence -- "Burn more calories than you consume, genius." Done. And my own postscript: "QUIT EATING SHIT!" P.P.S.: "QUIT EATING SO MUCH SHIT!" Really people, did you NOT hear this the first 50,000 times?
Okay, I'm mostly done bitching. That wasn't my intent, but the real turmoil kind of pours out when I start hitting the little netbook keys. Plus, I'm killing time waiting for the NYE photos -- WhereTH are they Cody?
Finally! Here's to 2010 and brand new photos: fake boyfriend/husband Tim and I (same photo we've taken for like 4 years now), HNY toast, and the entire group -- yes, it's me with 9 guys. Aren't they adorable? I'll have to post some Sunday night photos for balance. Love, love -- will try to put some on FB too.
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