Friday, January 22, 2010

Someone call Noah...

Because it's been raining here in the desert for 5 days straight and I'm pretty sure the Apocalypse is upon us. Seriously. WTF? The dogs and the cat and I (except for the hyper-furry Connor Dog) are all sick of the cold wet stuff and are looking forward to the return of normalcy = warm sunny days. Kind of weird that the weather has matched my mood, as I've been tied up with sucky WORK all week, and the fun continues into the weekend. But I expect the sun to shine by Monday when I will be done with this ugly deadline.

Meanwhile, who can frickin' work out when you're working 12-hour days? NOT POSSIBLE. I'm sittin' on my ass nonstop while NOT working it out. (Ironically, I did have time to read an article that came out today about how you are more likely to get sick or dead if you SIT for lots of hours at a time.) I'm gonna have to find some way to work in a little work out this weekend. That's pretty much all that will happen over the weekend -- sleeping, eating, working, visit mom, load dishwasher, and try to Skype yoga with sis or do 30 sit ups. And THAT'S my weekend. Yeah, I live a crazy exciting life. WHERE did I put my wine? Hope your weekend is more fun.


  1. Serious condolences. I know how you feel! I'm in the "zero" week after RnR, which means NO running and I feel like a total slug (and I've been eating everything that isn't nailed down including Mac 'n cheesy goodness - aaaaahhhhhh). The scale and I are not on speaking terms.

    I am trying the free intro to yoga class at Just Breathe, today. I've been intrigued to check it out and me likey "free." I'll let you know how it goes. NEXT WEEK! Right? We're ON IT! Squidge Busters! (uh, that's us!)

  2. I'm a big yoga fan. My sister and I are going to try to Skype some yoga today. That and strength training -- I need more strength training FOR SURE.

    Totally jealous that you had Mac N Cheese. Was it the Blue Box? Sigh.

  3. Alas, no, it wasn't the blue box. It was the Safeway-pop-into-the-microwave. Nonetheless, it was cheese-a-licious!
