Monday, January 11, 2010

Oh crap, I think it's menofat.

Not that it makes that much difference -- I mean belly fat, is belly fat, right? Well, yes and no. According to someone at you can have visceral fat under the abs, or you can have what I'm calling menofat, (aka the "menopot") on top of the ab muscles (assuming muscles there be). According to these guys, "It is quite common for women to gain 3-5 pounds of menopot fat around the belly as they reach perimenopause...." Ouch. Am I perimeno pausing? Let's see. [BloGoogle.] According to the Mayo Clinic: "Perimenopause encompasses the years leading up to menopause — anywhere from two to eight years — plus the first year after your final period. It's a natural part of aging that signals the ending of your reproductive years." Usually in the 40s, sometimes in the 30s. Yep, I'm guessing I'm perimeno. It's just always good news, isn't it?

And while I'm cranky, let's talk about scams and motivation, shall we? First the scam. Remember those Avesil pills I bought? Was supposed to be a 30-day supply for only S&H. Great. Fine. I'm willing to try it. But when I got home today, I was surprised by another giant 30-day-supply bottle along with an invoice. For $95.90. Really? $95.90 you rip off artists? AND, they're going to send me another bottle every month. How convenient. Are you feeling the sarcasm and anger here? So naturally I call them up to cancel whatever they've signed me up for and find out how to return the second giant bottle that I don't want. After trying to talk me out of cancelling, they reluctantly cancel the "account" that I didn't know I had. But no matter how many times I explained to them that I did not order, and I do not want, the second bottle, and I would be happy to return it, they refused to accept any return, or refund my $95.90. I got so mad I told them I wasn't paying and hung up. We'll see if I have the energy to follow through. Meanwhile, what reputable company does that? Sends you an un-requested $95.90 item and then refuses to accept any return? No reputable company does that. I had a similar experience with some cosmetic company a few years ago, but at least they gave me the refund. So, in summary: Avesil = total BS scam. Don't fall into their "trial bottle" trap, no matter how funny you think it might be to blog about your Avesil adventures. And if anyone wants a pill or twenty, I'll give you a good price.

Now for the motivation. I had brunch this morning in the Denver airport -- some Mexican grill. Hard to go wrong with beans and rice and cheese. Right? Unless, of course, you eat the entire "grande" burrito that is about the size and weight of a grown man's head. I didn't see any "poquito" [Google says it's really "pequeno"] burrito, or even a "mediano" on the menu -- they were just crankin' out the grandes Ford/Subway assembly-line style. I tried to be good, but they didn't sell anything poco or pequeno, so I just had healthy stuff in it and didn't eat the whole thing. But hey, the little group that sat down next to me at 10 am had NO problemo with the enormous portion sizes. Two out of three (coincidentally matching the national American obesity ratio) were decidedly obese. The woman right next to me was so overweight that she had trouble breathing. So while I watched her inhale a gigante Mexican "salad" in ten shades of not-verde, I also got to listen to her inhale, or try to inhale, oxygen to keep her diabetic, or soon-to-be-diabetic, body alive. If they'd gotten to the table earlier, I might not have been hungry at all. So there's the motivation -- I don't ever want to be the fat woman trying to inhale oxygen and Mexican food simultaneously. And I don't really want to eat by her again either. (Or maybe I do, if it will make me eat less. Hmmmmmm.)

Anyway, it's great to be home ($96 worth of Avesil notwithstanding), and I'm thinking a little bit of yoga might be just the thing for my sore ski legs, my fight with menofat and Avesil, and diabetes prevention.

1 comment:

  1. So THAT'S what that is! "Menofat!" It's Grrrrreat! So, how do we get RID of it! I don't want to end up looking like my grandmother - who resembled a basketball perched on two toothpicks.
