Monday, December 21, 2009

You know that saying about being sick and tired of being sick and tired?

I'm kinda' there. But not too bad -- am getting over the cold/flu/whatever badness that was, except that the snot and clogged ears linger and I'm stressing over a potential right ear infection. Health-wise things are generally improved and I'm sure I'll regain that 3 pounds within a couple of days, especially since I'm REALLY busy with work right now (duh, I'm behind like a week and have a major deadline before Christmas). Haven't even had a long walk since Thanksgiving. Ouch, the Fat is just hanging on the couch eating chips and candy bars. Oh wait, that's me. Dang. Will someone let me know if I start to look like Jaba the Hut from Star Wars? Or Pizza the Hut from Space Balls? Can anyone say New Year's resolution? I'm so beyond my second deadline already. It's totally sad, but not the least bit surprising. Blog you before Christmas.

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