Monday, December 28, 2009

Because it would have been a slap in Baby Jesus' new-born face not to celebrate with some good eats. Maybe Easter?

Well, Christmas has come and gone and I'm not quite 105, or even 110. But I did get pretty close at 112, thanks to a severe cold or flu-type thingie. Thank the Baby Jesus that I've already given myself an extension to the 12th of Never to meet my real goal. I haven't weighed myself in a couple of days, but I'm pretty sure that I've regained the four pounds I lost being sick -- got the appetite back and am still chowing on those little cherry cordial-flavored Kisses (Kurse you Hersheys), plus Christmas Eve, and Day, and Weekend were all quite tasty.

So what now? You don't think I'ma quit now do you? Not when I can continue to vent my every emotion on this blog, I'm not. So the battle of Squidge Ridge continues with some successes and failures along the way. On the whole, I feel and look better than I did when I started this in October -- my muffin top is considerably less muffiny than it was. I'm more of a mini-muffin now.

This week's weight loss plan? Well, so far, I walked 40 minutes on Sunday thanks to Mary B (because I would've stayed in front of the new outdoor fireplace with that glass of wine if she hadn't called), and I've walked to Mary J's house twice today, because I'm obssessed with her fire pit and want to get someone to make me one like it -- I'd walk ten miles for a new somethin-somethin that I want, but won't budge to save my own fat ass. Beyond that? Hmmm. Gonna see some friends tonight and eat/drink and watch a movie. Not so good. Maybe I can do some sit ups or something? I'll work on it. Meanwhile, I may take another Avesil. I couldn't discover their secret ingredient(s), but it does seem to decrease my appetite without bouncing me off the walls. Should have taken some last night before the potluck-fest that included bacon and cheese and all my favorite stuff. Oh, you evil friends, I love you.

Okay, Just took an Avesil with two cordial-Kisses. In case I lose my appetite for them later.


  1. Okay, I ordered the CW-X Pro Tights from Zappos and they'll be here tomorrow! These babies are WAY more than just tights - in fact, they're so cool that when I run by your house, I will be a BLUR! Kind of like a superfast superheroine. Oh, yeah! There is all kinds of high-tech support that helps increase blood flow and reduces fatigue. I can't wait!

    Love your new fireplace, BTW. Glad you ordered the spark arrester. I'm thinkin' the tree is gonna be happy about it, too. Hopefully it won't burst into flames in the interim.

  2. Try 3 pair of CW-X tights. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. They are great for skiing. I even had a star-spangled pair briefly, but I sent them back thinking I didn't want to draw that much attention to my ass. Blur by when you get your new speed pants.

    P.S. Made a FREE spark arrestor from wire mesh this morning, in case the $85 one doesn't work or arrive in time for my next disco inferno.
