Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Hey, I forgot what I was gonna say!

Okay, this morning I caught an ad for a belt thingie that works your abs electronically while you sit on your ass eating junk food and watching TV. NEED ONE!

And I had some other little tidbit to share, but I forgot what it was. OH! It was my new scheme for waking my ass up earlier. Because if I can wake up earlier and faster, then I have more time to work out, right? Here's the deal. Half of my problem is that it takes me like an hour to wake up. I cannot get up in the dark, so it's usually 7 before I roll over, turn on a light, or stumble to the back door and throw the dog out. Then I have to lie in bed checking email or stretching like a cartoon character for another half hour or more until my eyes and brain can focus enough to get up. What's with that? So I thought I'd institute a new stricter get-my-ass-up policy by purchasing some sort of acceptable alarm clock. (I used to have them, but they somehow disappeared over the years.) So I have settled on something that will do rain and tweeting birds and other stuff that ISN'T a buzzer that makes me want to smack the thing across the room, and will gradually wake me up with LIGHT in the morning. Genius, right? So that's my new plan. (That and that ab workout belt thing.) So I've ordered a cheap version and a more expensive version on Amazon (or I will once the Super Saver free shipping starts to work again), and I'll give you a report later.

Update: Thursday morning. Okay, the Super Saver shipping problem was just my failure to understand that I didn't have qualifiying mdse in my cart. (Oh, like that's never happened to YOU before.) So that got "fixed." And my Biobrite light is already ON ITS WAY to my bedroom.


  1. Hmmmm... electronic ab thingy sounds interesting...

    You are NOT going to shame me into getting up early, too, dammit! Sounds like a similar problem, though. It's dark. Don't use an alarm. I'ma hibernating like a griz and can't function until I've had two cups of coffee in bed. Usually roll out around 8:30.

    Nope. I can't do it.

    I fed the fish. I think a couple of them are doing something naughty.

  2. Oh, I am SO getting up early.

    If I can, I mean. It's only a theory right now.

    What about a coffee maker on a timer by the bed? Then you won't have to even get out of it to have that first cup.

    And the fish don't even show up on any of my computers any more. Glad to hear they're not dead.
