Saturday, November 21, 2009

Over lots of rivers and through many woods.

Isn't getting out of town a bitch? I was going to leave this morning, but there was just no way to get everything done. I'm operating in full panic mode and still could not get to half the stuff I wanted to do. I mean, I'm running to Target for stuff, visiting mom to drop off stuff, cleaning out the car, doing laundry, installing a new screen and re-hanging the front screen door -- I'm frickin' Wonder Woman without the clear plane, but I STILL can't get everything done. So I didn't get the hair washed and styled, but the DOG got washed. And although I didn't make popcorn for my two-day cross-country journey, I DID get a large can of Pringles to go with the Raisinettes. (What can I say? You know I'm a health nut. It's vegetables -- hello, potatoes, and fruit -- duh, raisins.) The good news is that it's just the dog and I in the car with my audio Jane Austen and Oscar Wilde books for two days. And Connor likes me AND period romances just as much as he likes, say, cat poop (yum) and rolling in freshly-fertilized neighbor yards. Well, he might like some of that stuff better than me, but he's gonna be okay with two days of lounging in the back seat. At least he doesn't have to drive -- I'd trade places with him in a heart beat.

Am debating about making some delicious green smoothness to take in the car tomorrow. Since I can't work out, I'd better consume some spinach and kale, right? Have a feeling that the 7 am start time won't happen either. Will be lucky if I get out of BED by 7 am.

Vacay starts in the A.M. -- am I 92% excited and 8% scared? Or 92% scared and 8% excited?

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