Sigh. Remember the bug-that-shall-remain-nameless? Well, I thought it was gone. So I stopped soaking for 30 minutes every morning and evening in Borax and Epsom Salt, and just took regular baths and showers and only changed the sheets every 3 days for like a week once the symptoms went away. What can I say? I got cocky. And the payback was a frickin' miserable outbreak of the little buggers this weekend. I think the soaking thing must have been working, because my rash was pretty much all above the water soaking line (hard to get down to my chin in my tub). My theory is that the eggs were buried up there and I just didn't keep up the process long enough to kill all the new ones as they hatched. Either that, or I didn't get them all out of my environment. So I lost another day researching more treatments and running around town buying Borax, hydrogen peroxide, sulfur soaps/creams, and diatomaceous earth. I have now implemented a 27-prong attack against all Nameless Bugs in my home and car, not to mention on my personal person. They are facing the most hostile environment that I can provide: after they are soaked in a chemical bath including salt, Borax, and hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes, they get scrubbed with sulfur soap and then drowned with bug-sterilizing oils. If they survive that, or have the nerve to hide in my bedding (being changed frickin' DAILY again), they can say hello to my leetle friend, DE: razor sharp pulverized shell fossil. That's right, you can now skate on the white powder covering my floors and mattress cover, and even my person, since I'm mixing that into the neem oil now.
The Mayo part? Ah, the mayo part. Well, little Lola-dog sleeps in my bed. It won't do much good to wash myself and my bedding if she hops into bed with me with bugs, now will it? Some kennel owner on the internet says that you can get rid of any (nameless) bug by covering the dog in mayo for like an hour. So, naturally, I busted out a brand new jar of the real deal and slathered her up! Thar she blows! Aw, the poor little thing -- she has NO idea why she's getting dumped into the bathtub daily, and the mayo really threw her this morning. But isn't the photo hysterical? I love the freaky reflective eyes. (Note Connor in the sideground NOT getting mayo'd.) She's still drying out two hours later and I'm in the mood for some tuna salad. [Update: Well THANK YOU Mr. You-Should-Put-Mayo-on-Your-Dog. He forgot to mention, and I forgot to remember, how much oil there is in your average half jar of real mayo. I was feelin' sorry for the dog, 'cuz it seemed like she was taking a long time to dry, even with my Vidal Sassoon ionizing hair dryer. Then I noticed how shiny my hand was from rubbing her fur. Oops. Let's just say that Jheri curls are not a great look on a toy poodle. :-) (Apologies for the cliche sideways smiley face -- but I crack up every time I look at the photo.) So, my game was delayed further by a SECOND bath for the dog, after which...she remains kind of oily. Oh well. The good news is she's gettin' another bath tonight anyway. Oh, and just to make sure I'm EXTRA frickin' miserable, I've confirmed my suspected sulfur allergy with a lovely burning sensation following application of one of the oldest and most-certain Nameless Bug killers out there, sulfur cream. Yep, I'm allergic. Anyone want three bars, two jars, and one tube of sulfur product?]
On the upside, if there can be one in my current misery, the New Digital said 110.8 (of course "point eight," because there is no other point digit) this morning. Wow! Nameless bugs make you light and fluffy! Or maybe its all the soaking and running around washing sh!t. Or laying awake at night with itchy bugs crawling under your skin. Or the stress. Or maybe the 50 minutes of simulated roller blading on Friday? Whatever it is, I'm happy to be losing the weight, just not the bug battle.