Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Finding time to work out, Part 2: instead of sleeping.

Well, I have located the time to research how to find time to work out.  It was right here in my bed.  When I should be fast asleep (now = 2:46 am), I am actually wide awake with little prospect of sleep in the very near future.  I have been through all my unread catalogs, Intervention, Heavy (x2), Time Life's Singer Songwriter's collection, Jillian Michael's new DVD, and about 4 trips to the bathroom, not to mention a Benadryl and lots of water (hence the 4 trips to the bathroom), all to no avail.  I forgot to mention that I've also done some more skin research and bought two music CDs from Amazon.  Da-ang.  I think it must be the green tea.  I have been drinking delicious water instead of tea during my elimination diet.  But since my diet came to a screeching screw up last weekend, I gave up and had the green tea, which gave me a stomach ache and insomnia.  I thought that stuff was supposed to be good for you?
So, I'm off to research "finding the time to work out," or maybe "work out motivation."  Well, that made me sleepy, so I'll have to finish this later.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having the same problem... only without the late night research. Drinking Green Tea as we speak. I've been sooooo unmotivated, BUT, Studio Bring It is just about up and running. I say, let's Target April 1 - April Fool's Day, to start Bringin' It - until I have to go to Chicago on the 5th - but then we can start right back up again when I get back. Let's make April THE MONTH WE GET OUR BUTS BACK!
