Monday, March 28, 2011

Finding time to work out Part 1: watch a movie.

Well, I have been pondering my inability to make myself work out.  No matter what my intentions may be at the beginning, middle, and end of the day, I never seem to find 20 minutes to yoga with the Ye, or even watch TV on the Elliptical Clothes Rack.  How?  Why?  WTF?  So I decided to look up ideas for "finding the time to work out," because I know there are a million bullet-point happy, sunshiney articles out there ("1. Make it part of your daily routine.  2.  Even 10 minutes is better than nothing...."), but, guess what?  I haven't found the frickin' time to look up how to make the time to work out.

So, I'ma just give you a movie review instead.  Today,  The Tourist: over-hyped snooze of a vehicle to show off Angelina Jolie's cartoon-like fish lips and Jessica Rabbit figure.  Well, I'm done.  Because that was the whole stinkin' movie.  Really?  This is what got all the Oscar buzz?  I didn't even like Johnny Depp in there.  And I LIKE Johnny Depp.  Lots.  But he was clownish -- he phoned it in from the Caribbean.  And Angelina was basically just walking very slowly through Venice in ridiculous FMPs and long gloves with her hair professionally done three different ways each day and with a convenient ball thrown in so she could wear a really spectacular gown and JD could put on a white tux.  The most "acting" that happened was when Angelina had to make a face like "Oh, no!  The bad guys might really kill me.  WHAT will I do?"  How about some more make up and fake eyelashes?  That never hurts when you're about to be killed.  Ugh.  Snooze.  Fest.

Note to self.  Don't watch ANY more Angelina Jolie movies.

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