Opened my first of three GS cookie boxes today. Not in Love with the berry cookies, but the Do-Si-Dos are a symphony of dry, yet seemingly moist, peanut butter. How DO they do it? I imagine it's all about some pretty great chemical preservatives.
So here I am, back at square 2 or 3 and hanging steady at 113 or 114 pounds. Yes, it's better than 122 where I started. But not nearly as great as the sickroom 105, or even the fabulous 110 I saw briefly back in January or February (who can remember -- it was so long ago). I continue to be torn between porking out on cookies and large sandwiches I don't need (but it was kind of a salad wrapped in a pita, with only a LEETLE bit of bacon), and trying to get rid of the calories. I walked last night (thanks to Mary B) and then got my butt outside for a 40 minute walk this morning (thanks to Fit TV and the National Fitness Challenge, which I watched last night). But that clearly is not sufficient for anything but a really sad kind of almost-maintenance. Why can't I Bring It?
For some reason, I lack the motivation to do much more than order craft crap I don't need from Amazon. I'm having trouble even working up a desire to do 20 minutes of yoga. (But my new die cutter/embosser is super sweet and some cards MUST be made.) I think some punishment motivation is in order, and I may have to leave Fit TV on all night tonight. Unfortunately, I think the truth is that I need some help motivating and when Ena gets back from running her frickin' marathon (and making me feel like a really inadequate slug) and Australia and New Zealand, I'll make Ena Bring It with me. Of course, that's in mid-late May, about the time I'm supposed to be going to France. Hmmm.
Well, I'll worry about that tomorrow. I should probably work or something today.
When I get back, we will TOTALLY BRING IT! I swear we will!