Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lemons: good or evil?

Okay, the rash is less itchy, my face has gone from teeny blisters to one giant scab, and I've got the AC and air filters crankin'.  I am hermetically sealed and no longer have any excuse not to BRING IT.  And yet....  Well, the thing is I have to work back into working out every time I stop for even a few days.  And after a cookie-pie-rash weekend, I'm working back into my workouts pretty slowly.  But I'm getting there.  I did 20 minutes of yoga on Monday and on Tuesday and did a half hour of Gilad -- warm up + buns 'n thighs -- today.  So I'm not a TOTAL slug.  And I started adding lemon juice to my green tea (I'm a green-tea-aholic during daylight hours), because Jackie Warner said that you can burn an additional 100 calories a day just by drinking lemon water.  So, of course I'm all over it.  While Ena is bungee jumping in NZ and exploring Australia, I walked over to her yard full of citrus trees to steal some lemons and found them all plucked up to branches I couldn't reach.  And then I couldn't find the citrus plucker thingie, so I had to settle for only one enormous lemon for now.  (Can't wait until my own orchard comes to FRUITION -- get it?)   And, of course, I've got a bottle of ReaLemon, but that has sulfites, so I'ma have to remember to pick up some of the real deal.

So let's see if I've lost huge poundage by switching out the lemon cremes (okay, just mentioning them made my mouth water for another cookie -- darn Girl Scouts) for the lemon water.  Drum roll..........rim shot:  115.8.  But that's with some heavy tennis shoes.  So maybe 115.3?  That's better than 116-something.  I'll get back down to 114 by the weekend.  Sure I will.  All I have to do is keep checking out my dimply ass and thighs in the mirror and thinking of swim suit season (assuming I can go out of doors by then).  

Citrusy conclusion:  Good.  Unless you put them into cookies, then they're mostly bad, but it's not their fault.

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