Friday, August 5, 2011

Dear Diary:

I am boring myself.  Yes, all this infection, infestation, and cleaning B.S. is even boring to ME, and I'm living/writing it!  Not exactly la vida loca.  Since I've lost the 10 pounds of mid-life squidge, I have nothing amusing to write about!  I picked 10 pounds as my goal, because I thought it was reasonable/achievable.  I also didn't realize how much I really weighed -- a teeny bit of intentional ignorance going on.  But I've lost almost twice that now.  The New Digital put me at 103.2 this morning, so that's 19 pounds down from my original 122!  No more brown smoothies, no more walks with birds pooping on my head.  Just healthy (boring) eating and cleaning up dog disasters.  I'm hardly even drinking any more.  I can only post about the wonders of Vegan + meat and how I lost those 19 pounds, so many times.  And then even I'm sick of my own preaching.

So what now?  I'm thinking a new blog (which I can't start until 2012, so I can print out the 2011 blogs in one book): "So Far So Flabby: adding two pounds of mid-life muscle."  (Two WHOLE pounds -- I know, it's crazy.)  Now that I'm not carrying the extra squidge, I need to change my flaccid Old Lady arms and legs into something more acceptable.  Oh!  How about: "No longer placid about the flaccid!"  Yes?  No?  I see a blog about facial exercises.   I wonder what I did with those CDs?
Dream big.


  1. No longer placid about the flaccid? That sounds kind of naughty. Bet you'll get a lot of hits with that title! Ha!

    How about helping your squidgy friend get her a$$ under control! The struggle of her conversion. The angst of her denial. How can she be so flabby and still have buff non-flabby arms?!

    Hmmmm... maybe I'll blog about the Idahoan Transformation. I'll be invisible by my birthday. Takin' Talking Tony and Yee with me. Oh, yeah!

  2. Oh, you! You have not a thing to worry about D.R. Taunting me with your buff arms. I'ma do push ups or something this weekend to try to catch up.

    And when you're back from Idaho in the fall, maybe we can p90X or something again.
