Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Well, the 12th of Never may have arrived.

Dare I say it?  Dare I fly the proud MISSION ACCOMPLISHED banner and don my fake military flight suit?  At the risk of being mocked for all eternity (and I'd say it's a safe bet that that's happening anyway), I'ma suggest that maybe I have lost my 10 pounds of mid-life squidge for good.  Or at least for now.  How about that?  I've lost it for now.  

109.2  The not-so-new-now digital scale says that I'm 109.2.  And that's AFTER I got dressed and had a spaghetti with marinara and spinach breakfast.  So it's not just a morning lightness of being.  That's a long way from the 120-122 where I started in October 2009.  I look and feel lots thinner.  My only issue now is that I've got more flab on the bones than muscle.  So the quest for motivation to actually work out continues.  And now that I'm feeling more like my old pre-eczema self, I might get back to working out again soon.  

It's funny, when I started this gig 1.5 years ago, I was firmly in the You Can Eat Anything You Want As Long as You Don't Eat Too Much of It camp.  I really didn't think it mattered WHAT you ate, so long as you burned more calories than you took in.  And there is still some truth to that basic caloric model.  But it turns out that I definitely CANNOT eat whatever I want, because my allergies to dairy, egg and wheat were making me sick, swollen, and fat.  And the more I read about food, especially sugar, dairy and meat, and our food industry and what is actually in even "healthy" food in the average grocery store, the more amazed and dismayed I have become.  I can't believe more people aren't sick -- oh wait a minute, they are!!!  Obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, asthma, rhinitis, eczema, arthritis, (bunions!)....  Anyway, I don't have time to lecture here, but suffice it to say that this little detour into my health issues has been quite the eye opener, and I will forever be a convert to vegetables -- organic vegetables (now that I know how many of our non-organic veggies are filled with pesticides).  I had Brussels sprouts and home-made salsa yesterday.  And they were both good.  Who knew?  Frickin' fruit and vegetables really are the answer to everything.  Dammit.


  1. Who knew, indeed!? We can't manage decent health care for everyone AND we're being sickened by the food we eat. What is up with THAT?! Not everyone has the knowledge to take charge of their own health - I mean, where are kids learning about nutrition? Pretty much nowhere. We're becoming a nation of fat, sick people. It's sad and scary.

  2. Okay, I just had a brilliant idea! We make all the giant corporate farms, food mfrs, and fast food mega-chains pay for health care! They made us sick, they should fix us. Yes? Well, I think it's brilliant anyway.
