Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hmmmmm. Remember when workouts were on the horizon?

Well, it's a distant freakin' horizon.  I've Skyped yoga with Kathy a couple of times.  And I think I did yoga by myself (me and the Ye) once.  But otherwise?  Pretty sad.  I keep telling myself that I'll work out more and more as I feel better and better.  The health has definitely improved since I stopped the dairy and egg and I avoid wheat and wine at least most of the time (if you don't count yesterday's wine tasting with ten different reds).  I still have freaky skin that has no normal barrier to keep moisture in and allergens out, and I still get itchy and sneezy and have weird bumps and things, but I'm WAY better than I was.  Probably because I can mostly sleep at night now.  That's kinda cool.

Oh!  I just remembered -- I worked out yesterday a little bit.  I rode my Terry road bike down to the market and back.  That's something anyway.  And speaking of something, I learned a little something just this morning.  I learned that I didn't know how to inflate my high-pressure road tires with the presta valves.  Ooops.  I wondered why they just didn't seem to be firming up after all that wrestling with the pump to get them to 105 psi.  I was pumping, and jumping on the pump, and pumping....I probably got more of a workout trying to inflate the damn tires than riding.  And they still looked and felt flabby as my triceps when I was done.  So I Googled.  (WHAT did we ever do before the lovely internet?)  And (drumroll please).......there's a frickin' lock nut that you have to unscrew at the top of the valve to get air in there.  Well Hell.  So I tried it again with the valves OPEN.  Hey!  It works!  So problem solved, thanks to the internet, Wiki, and YouTube.  I will no longer look like an under-inflated moron at the market.  It's a learning curve.  Once I figure out how to ride this bike (still working on shifting all the fancy schmancy gears and stuff), I'ma send it back in for a bright red paint job.  Cuz then it will look better hanging from my dining room ceiling.  Who needs art?

So today, more not working out.  I've got to clean out the guest room closet with the crawl space access and remove the assorted plumbing debris from beneath the house, so that the insulation company can put batting under my 1929 floor boards with no subfloor.  Hopefully, I will not feel the rush of my expensive air conditioning whooshing out from the vents beneath my house this summer.  It only took 21 years for me to do this.  But I figure I'm not going anywhere (they'll probably carry me out of this house feet first), so it's never too late.  They're foaming the attic on Tuesday.  Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the tires. I would have ridden them under-inflated until someone else explained why they were wearing out twice as fast as normal--wait, that's what I did with the car tires.
