Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Because it's never a good idea to wrestle a wet tent with a poodle after two glasses of white "table" wine.

Well, I admit it, I've been a little bit depressed lately.  Just not feeling the working out/bloggin' thing.  I'm STUCK around 115 pounds, still a bit squidgy, and would like to lose 5 more pounds.  But, on the plus side, I was worse a year ago.  I'm trying to Bring It, but Ena hurt her back, so I have no motivation, and my sister can only work out like once a week, and that's at 8 or 9 at night my time, which is when I'm usually on my second drink, so it's not my preferred schedule.  I do, however, continue to try.

The BIG excitement this week is a camping trip!  Yes, squeeze me and squeal like a 10-year-old girl, I'm frickin' excited about camping.  It's like being a Girl Scout again, but with WAY better equipment.  I don't even care if the heavens open up like it's the friggin' apocolypse.  I am ready.  I've got a cool fold-up-into-a-bag rain coat, a sizeable umbrella, a tarp for under the tent, and a brand new two-room four/five-man tent for myself and two doggies, and I'm ready to rock.  Let it rain -- I'ma be chillin' in my tent with my homies on an air mattress with wool blankie, 800TC sheets, fleece, and a cotton quilt topper.  And if nature calls (hello?), I'ma answer on one of my two new I'm-not-peeing-in-the-woods pottie chairs.  Oh yes, it is possible to competely avoid nature while camping. 

Oh, and wrestling with the tent and the poodle?  Well, I did what was supposed to be a "dry" run with the new tent last night.  Easy-breezy slap up the tent in the front yard and make sure it's all there, check the know.  But there must be some rule about putting up a tent.   I'm busy fighting the wind and running around to four corners of this nylon palace, when it starts to frickin' rain.  Yes, there IS a rule that if you put up a tent it must rain before you can get inside.  But I got the thing up and it was awesome and comfy -- so comfy that I couldn't get Lola the little-poodle-who-doesn't-know-she's-about-to-camp out of the tent!  Glad she likes it, because it's about to be home for two days.  Anyhoo, the wet run went pretty well -- only stepped on the poodle twice and I learned not to try to put the poles into the corner thingies until the end, and those two left over poles probably go in the rain fly.  So I won't look like an amateur when I camp and it was all worth it.  Maybe I'll turn into a "camper!"  I've certainly got all the sh!t now.

So, I'll update after the big trip -- am taking the Yee so we can yoga in the great out of doors, assuming my ipod holds out.  And maybe my special Old Gringos with the rhinestones, so that I can feel like I'm stylin in the wilderness.  And some champagne.  Lots of champagne.


  1. You should write books--good saga, to be continued--can't wait.
    I need one of these for the farm--And if nature calls (hello?), I'ma answer on one of my two new I'm-not-peeing-in-the-woods pottie chairs. Oh yes, it is possible to competely avoid nature while camping/farming!

  2. Oh, I think you would like the "luggable loo!" Check Amazon for this little plastic necessity -- fits on a 5 gal bucket (thank you pool chlorine tab mfrs) and you can line with a plastic bag (with some kitty litter) to make it neat and not too smelly, plus it's got a lid. Got rave reviews on Amazon -- I don't know how I've gotten this far without buying this thing. No hanging over a log in the woods! I'll let you know how it worked when I get back!!

  3. Oh! I forgot -- actually sawdust is better than kitty litter, because you can then compost the mess. Yum.

  4. Yeah, I am *way* excited to, literally, haul your shit in my car! Can't WAIT for tomorrow night's "floor show!" You'll be way jealous over my super easy, fold-down-the-seat sleeping arrangement, complete with chair, footstool, lantern, throw rugs, and glass of vino! But I'm gonna be lovin' the Entertainment! Bring It!
