Monday, September 26, 2011

Now that I'm not fat...

...I've got nothin. Nothin at all to say.  The literary well has run bone dry.

Maybe (well, maybe not "maybe," how about definitely?) need to focus on getting some muscle back.  And in the spirit of that, I actually burned some calories last weekend.  I haven't figured out the exact time spent aboat, but I took the doggies kayaking at Fool Hollow Lake last weekend.  Three days of lovely weather and relaxation without the need to launder any laundry or clean up anything that came out of either end of either dog (well, except for one very explosive digestive deal with the Connor dog, but most of that was left to the elements).  I think I spent maybe 5-6 hours on the lake (which is GORGEOUS Fool Hollow photos, by the way).  So, even though I spent a lot of time floating around like I was on a Pirates of the Caribbean ride, I did get in a little exercise. 

And if I could go back every weekend, I'd do it.  It was really lovely to do nothing but eat, sleep, drink, walk the doggies, drink (being honest), and yoga when possible.  Ah, if only.

But reality always intrudes.  Connor passed out again while at the lake and then yet again when we got home, I've got to earn the money to pay the mortgage, and I found out on the way up to the lake that Dad has been diagnosed with colon cancer.  Reality does, indeed, bite.

But here's my resolution (Can I resolve in late September?  Well, I'm a trendsetter.):  I will work out more.  I'm already not eating anything tasty and not going anywhere exciting.  If I have a day where I have to put on mascara, it's a big deal.  I really ought to be able to work out a little bit.  So I'ma make the effort.  Tomorrow.  Or maybe the day after that, or something.

OR, I'll just wear more makeup.