Technically, this exorcism took place before my last post. As I closed my front door to go camping at WCL, I held my breath to avoid inhaling the fog of neurotoxins I had left for my Leetle Friends, the dozens of flies swarming in my living room and kitchen windows. Leetle ba$tards. I'm not sure when this started, but over the preceding 2-3 weeks I had noticed an increasing number of flies in my kitchen. Didn't bother me much at first -- I leave my kitchen door open a lot so that the dogs can go in and out, and with potluck on Sunday nights and everyone going in and out, I get flies. They seem to know when you are going to open the door and manage to zip in during the nanosecond that you part the curtain to go in or out. They have ODR - Open Door Radar. Again -- LBs.
But eventually I noticed an unusual build up of flies. One night I had to light a citronella tea light while sitting in bed reading a book! Okay, THAT's not cool. And it's not normal. So I started shutting the door more, and being pyscho-diligent about picking up the fresh dog poop out back. But it didn't seem to help. I even started cleaning up my normal messes -- no crumbs left behind on the counter, the floor, whatever, wherever. Nothing was working.
When I came back from the Fool's Hollow trip and found a maggot on the floor of my kitchen, I decided to get serious. In the course of vacuuming and bleaching my kitchen and bathroom floors, I found their evil breeding ground: the very edge of my wool rug jammed up next to the kitchen cabinets and a tiny crack between the base of the cabinets and the floor. I thought flies needed water to breed, but this was apparently some mutant breed of LBs that needed only dog fur, cooking crumbs, and wool rug. So I spent hours vacuuming up maggots, larvae and whatever that last cocoon stage is before they hatch, and then hitting the kitchen floor with ammonia, diatomaceous earth, and bleach (not all at once, you understand).
After this maggoty adventure, I was grossed out, but feeling a bit better about my chances with the demon swarm. I had destroyed the nursery (Sigourney Weaver, Aliens). Unfortunately, the adults were still here. They were crafty LBs, managing to elude capture with my Eureka AirExtreme (although I DID get pretty good with it in the kitchen windows). I foolishly thought that they would die quickly, because I've always heard that flies only live for like a day or two. Wrong. I looked it up and they can live for weeks. Ouch. And females can lay like 500 eggs in a single day. Double frickin' ouch. So after days of vacuuming up maybe 5-6 flies at a time about 10 times a day, I decided I was losing the battle of the flies. And since I was about to leave town for two days and I didn't want them breeding with impunity in my absence, I needed to get rid of them fast.
This required a more efficient killing machine than the AirExtreme. So a trip to WalMart was in order. (I tried Target, but apparently Target shoppers don't GET fly infestations.) WalMart, however, was a gold mine of fly-killing power. Fly paper -- 4 rolls for $.99. Check. (I got three boxes.) And I couldn't resist the clear peel-and-stick window trappers. (The LBs LOVE windows, yes they do.) I was about to walk away, thinking I was good, when I saw the spray. A beautiful blue can of Raid for killing LBs. Hmmm. Did I really need it? Why take chances.
So I zoom home with my new weapons and start my offensive on the Northern Front (the living room windows). This required unrolling/untwisting four rolls of VERY sticky stuff. And then promptly sticking my hair into one of them. Ew. Let me just say, that I'm glad I'm not a fly. That is some sticky sh!t. I was trying to work that day, so I thought I could just spot treat the hair with some shampoo and water. Nope. Two attempts failed. I ultimately had to resort to Goo Gone on my hair. Sigh.
When the fly paper in the front window (very attractive) wasn't producing immediate results, I turned to the spray. And Raid did not let me down. I don't know what evil kind of neurotoxins they put in that stuff, but it WORKS. Indeed, you don't even have to spray the flies directly -- the residual stuff in the air will kill them for hours. And if you spray the windows, I've found that the residual on the window will kill them for days. Yes, that's some toxic stuff.
I thought I had gotten lots of them before I left, but to be sure, before I closed the door to leave for WCL, I sprayed all the rooms with a mist of the magical Raid LB killer. Man, you would not believe how many LB carcasses I found when I returned on Sunday -- about 40 on the fly paper strips and another 60 victims in the kitchen and other areas. At least 100 of the LBs. FINALLY.
I found only one survivor on Sunday, so I gave the windows another spritz to be sure, and have only seen one or two random LBs since then. Whew. Disgusting, I know, but yet another valuable life lesson. I wish life would quit teaching me sh!t I don't want to know.
What else do I know? I'm still shrinking. I've been successful with treating my health issues by avoiding the dairy, egg and wheat and using CeraVe for my atopic dermatitis. I'm sleeping better, I'm breathing better, my allergic rhinitis is virtually gone, and I'm dropping even more weight than I had ever planned. I'm down to 104-105. Wow. Remember when I was thrilled to be at 110?! I've worked through most of the cravings for dairy, etc. And I finally got to the point where I've been able to skip the alcohol as well -- food allergist Dr. Braly recommends avoiding alcohol to let the intestines heal (alcohol makes the intestines more permeable, thus permitting larger food particles to pass into the blood stream, contributing to the allergic reaction). And since I'm trying to shake some bacterial overgrowth (aka an infection) in the genital tract (gardnerella and strep B) and I continue to have sinus infections deep up inside my nasal passages, I figure it's a good idea to avoid the alcohol for a while and let my temple get all healthy. Anyone who knows me knows how improbable this is -- I like my alcohol about as much as LBs like windows. So I thought this was going to be really tough. But, other than the first few days, I haven't been missing it that much. I've been avoiding party atmospheres a bit, but I don't think even that is going to be a problem. We'll see. And speaking of C, Dr. Braly, my new hero, says that vitamin C helps with withdrawal and cravings for allergens and alcohol -- so how can I go wrong drinking Emergen C instead of champagne? It seems to work well. Not quite as much fun, but this is for my long term health and I am determined. Once again, research and perseverance and a healthy skepticism of the accepted view that all doctors know everything has served me well -- literally!
So I continue to get healthier and accidentally skinnier, and now I can focus on the real excitement in my life, like exorcising LBs from my place of residence. OUT damned spots!
I'm keeping the Raid handy for future infestations -- just in case. Watch out LB's I'm armed.
P.S. Hard to keep the house maggot-free when the backyard cat is killing birds and leaving parts and the two dogs, independently on different days, find the nasty leftover bird bits and decided to bring them into the house for a snack, maggots and all. Again -- sigh. I had to bury the remaining maggoty bird leg and some feathers in the 108F afternoon heat. I need a condo on the 75th floor somewhere. One that excludes pets.
P.S. Hard to keep the house maggot-free when the backyard cat is killing birds and leaving parts and the two dogs, independently on different days, find the nasty leftover bird bits and decided to bring them into the house for a snack, maggots and all. Again -- sigh. I had to bury the remaining maggoty bird leg and some feathers in the 108F afternoon heat. I need a condo on the 75th floor somewhere. One that excludes pets.