Well, technically, I have met my goal of losing 10 pounds of mid-life squidge. I started out at 122 almost exactly one year ago, and I've been under 112 for 5-6 days now. So, I did it! I should be happy. And I am, mostly. This is really great. I no longer FEEL pudgy every minute of the day and in all my pants.
BUT, it turns out that I still have a little way to go. I've still got a layer of fat all over my body that squidges out of my sports bras something awful, and if I wear tight pants, I can whip up a mini muffin faster than you can say Betty Crocker. So there remains some work to be done. I keep telling myself that it took me years to get this way and it will take me years to fix it. The battle rages on, and I'll continue trying to work out and replace the squidge with muscle.
I'm hoping that I can keep up the Jacki Warner program -- her directions for eating healthy have worked better than anything else I've tried over the last year or more (and I tried a lot of stuff). It helped me lose the last few pounds I haven't been able to get rid of -- remember the 114.8-pound rut? I'm over it, thanks to Jackie. In fact, I should stop and eat some oatmeal or eggs or something real quick.
Okay, two eggs and one cup of veggies down. Check. I just need to eat one cup of oatmeal and another cup of veggies to meet today's WWJWD food goal. I've been telling everyone how great the JW diet plan is (and I hate to use that word, because it is NOT a "diet," it is healthy eating and actually adding in foods that are good for you and getting used to eating them instead of, say, Pringles, Cheetos, or the Blue Box that-shall-remain-nameless), but people don't seem to believe me when I tell them that I lost 5 pounds in just a few days when I started eating this way (and I did lose more than 5 pounds -- I was 114.8 when I started eating this way on Saturday and woke up at 109.4 on Tuesday, but I've kind of stabilized at 111.4, so it's really been like 3 pounds in one week -- still excellent for someone my size), and they get all skeptical and argumentative on me -- "oh, it must have been just water weight." So, I'ma stop pushing it (even though I'm still crazy excited about it), because I'm kind of tired of trying to defend it. Nuts that you have to defend eating healthy. Seriously.
Anyway, I'ma have to change my banner now. If I can maintain for another week or two, I'll "Mission Accomplish" my blog banner, and change it to "maintaining my mid-life squidge loss" or something equally special.