111.2 O. M. G.
That's what the New Digital is reading this morning after two days of "eating clean" according to Jackie Warner. And I have been waking up AWAKE for the last two days too -- that's weird. Is it all the diet? Can't say for sure, but I've been working on this for almost a year now with not much to show in the way of results and I'm finally seein' em. So, I think I'm having my own little lesbian love affair with Jacki Warner and her book This is Why You're Fat and How to Get Thin Forever. Jackie shares my view that sugar is Satan's supplement, and her diet takes my love of eggs to places even I have not dared to go. I ate like a pig yesterday trying to comply with her eating instructions and still lost weight. Love, love.
The secret seems to be protein, oatmeal and fruits/veggies. Not to mention water. That's obviously over-simplified, but reading her book finally motivated my ass to stop eating sugar and flour (although I thought I was already kind of not doing that) and get serious about my fruits and veggies. Plus the new super-blender (the Waring Extreme) blends up a smoothie like nobody's business. And who knew that milk had so much sugar in it? I thought it was SUCH a healthy drink, and it turns out that, maybe not so much. See! Even after a year of searching and researching, I've still got a lot to learn. I will be shopping Sprouts later today and bringing home a big ol' bunch of organic fruits and veggies, instead of my usual stuff that is maybe not too unhealthy. I'm kind of excited about this. (Hey, maybe I'll get some beans for the new pressure cooker, which is working out great, BTW.)
And speaking of excited -- the new Snuggie commercials are out!! "Heeeeeey, get a Snuggie!" (To the Macarena tune -- I don't know how to spell Macarena, but you know what I mean.) As much as I totally HATE Snuggies (Why yes, I'd love a monk's robe in cheap faux zebra fleece, and what a great idea to wear this thing out in public!), I have to admit their new jingle is memorable (ripping off something that already sticks in the brain like PB to the roof of your mouth helps), and the atmosphere is festive -- they're pretty much dancing in their Snuggies now, they're so happy. Jee-zus. You have to hand it to the Snuggie people -- they must be making a snugly Snuggie fortune.
But I won't need a Snuggie this winter, because my ass is going to be so skinny I'ma want to show it off in something like, oh, I don't know, real clothess